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Second Week Sprouting Roundup

January 24, 2021

A 77% success rate ain't bad 🙌

Aerogarden Week 2

Aerogarden Week 2

The first two-week cycle ended with seven out of nine pods sprouting. The only two stragglers are a Genovese Basil pod and the Mint pod, but I haven't given up on them yet (especially the mint - I really want to make some tea)!

End of Week Two

End of Week Two

Something I don't like is that my largest plant, the other Genovese Basil, is developing some yellowy-brownish discoloration on a couple of the leaves. Aerogarden's site says it might be an issue with too many minerals in the water or too much plant food. I don't think it's the latter, so I might just buy a small amount of distilled water to balance out the water next week.

What are the chances that discoloration is normal?

What are the chances that discoloration is normal?

Speaking of water: I haven't added any. It looks like barely any of it was used, as it's still above the fill line. Oddly enough (and from the very beginning) the Aerogarden display says that there's only a medium amount of water in the basin.

A couple days into this cycle I realized it'd probably be useful to monitor the ambient temperature around the plants, so I put an old mercury thermometer a couple of inches away from the Aerogarden. I can't remember where I read this, but the recommended temperature range for germination is supposedly something like 72-80F. My environment is definitely on the relatively cooler side (probably averaging ~68F). However, it seems life finds a way. 🦕

Well, within reason. It was a particularly cold night yesterday and unfortunately my heating system doesn't have enough capacity to keep the temperature up in the ideal range. To be frank, it was getting pretty chilly in general and rolling out the space heater was a must. Time may tell if the last 24 or so hours at a localized 75F will push the last two pods over the edge.

I'm considering getting a couple of science fair display boards and wrapping the insides with aluminum foil to isolate the Aerogarden. That and maybe a humidity sensor. And maybe a pH meter. And maybe repurposing an old phone and scheduling it to play Mort Garson's Plantasia once a day (mostly kidding on this one).

The rabbit hole grows deeper and deeper.

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